M C Trustees

Legal Services, Life Assurance Services

 financial services, legal service, finacial planning, self invested personal pension scheme, small self administered schemes, investments

1-3 Enterprise House, Meadow Drive, Hampton-in-arden, Solihull, West Midlands, B92 0BD  (Show me directions)

01675 4...Landline    Landline   

01675 444601    01675 444601   





MC Trustees are a small group of companies who have been administering Small Self Administered Schemes (SSAS) since 1986 and Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPS) since 1995.

MC Trustees is a small group of companies who have been administering Small Self Administered Schemes (SSAS) since 1986 and Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPS) since 1995.

We look after approximately 1,950 plans which hold just under £500 million of client assets.

We aim to provide a personal service and don't use automated phone systems, overseas call centres or other modern devices designed to irritate clients. Phone us and you can speak to someone born and bred in Birmingham. Try Joy on 01675 444606.

What we do is to administer your pension on your behalf. What we don't do is tell you how to invest it, give you financial advice or make money out of the investments or the bank account.

Most of our clients come from referral and many have been with us for decades. We do not employ any sales or marketing personnel so all our staff are dedicated to client service.

We are a member of the Association of Member Directed Pension Schemes (AMPS), which is the trade body representing providers of SIPPS and SSAS.

We are authorised by the Financial Services Authority through MC Trustees (Pensions) Limited to establish, operate and wind up personal pensions

We operate pension schemes, specifically SIPPS (Self Invested Personal Pension) and SSAS (Small Self Administered Schemes)

To do this we provide the legal and administrative framework which enables individuals or companies to run their own pension scheme. This includes:

establishing the scheme
acting as Trustee
making and encashing investments (on the instructions of the member)
collecting contributions
administering property investments
paying benefits
keeping accounts.


Martin Cadman

(Managing Director)

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